Selasa, 15 Februari 2022


Referendum - definition of referendum by The Free Dictionary. The referendum must be held no sooner than two months and no sooner than six months after the bill is passed.

Referendum On The Preservation Of The Ussr -

Das fakultative Referendum ist eine spezielle Ausformung des Referendums und ein Instrument der direkten DemokratieEs soll den Bürgern ermöglichen in einer Volksabstimmung oder einem Volksentscheid über eine zuvor bereits in der gewählten politischen Vertretung beschlossene Vorlage abzustimmen.

. British public wants to remain in EU finds poll weeks before Brexit. Referendum synonyms referendum pronunciation referendum translation English dictionary definition of referendum. To vote in a referendum you must.

Întrebarea adresată cetățenilor care constituie obiectul votului la referendum este formulată de autorități. Cuvântul referendum desemnează practica de a supune aprobării populare prin vot direct o măsură legislativă inițiată de autoritățile legitime ale unui stat sau ale unei regiuni în cadrul unui proces democratic liber și corect organizat. This makes it different to an election where the electorate vote for a representative and where the result might change the government.

Case committees are formed. Für ein erfolgreiches fakultatives Referendum ist die Sammlung einer. The court said that the referendum would not guarantee minimum protection of human life especially for weak and vulnerable persons Two party leaders have said decriminalization is now up to.

UK exports to EU fell by 20bn last year new ONS data shows. On Thursday 23 June 2016 the EU referendum took place and the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. The referendum was called after Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron made a manifesto commitment in the 2015 United Kingdom general election to undertake a renegotiation of the UKs membership to the European Union which would be followed by a in-out referendum.

In the four weeks. Be 18 or over on the day of the. 2019 Nalini Mohabir Renaming the.

The older term for a referendum is a. Noun the principle or practice of submitting to popular vote a measure passed on or proposed by a legislative body or by popular initiative. Podvrgavanje prijedloga novog ustava ustavnih promjena nekog zakona ili političke odluke od bitnog značenja na državnoj regionalnoj ili lokalnoj razini glasovanju građana koji odlučuju o tome sa za ili protiv ili s da ili ne.

Das Verfassungsgericht in Rom hat nun ein Referendum zu dem Thema abgelehnt. A vote in which all the people in a country or an area are asked to give their opinion about or. Definition Rechtschreibung Synonyme und Grammatik von Referendum auf Duden online nachschlagen.

All of the major political parties were in favour of remaining an EU member except for a split within the. Be registered to vote. When an ambassador receives propositions touching an object over which he has no sufficient power and he is without instruction he accepts it ad referendum that is under the condition that it shall be acted upon by his government to which it is referred.

Das Verfassungsgericht in Rom entschied am Dienstagabend den Antrag auf eine Volksbefragung abzulehnen. Aktivistengruppen hatten zuletzt genug. Referendum and initiative electoral devices by which voters may express their wishes with regard to government policy or proposed legislation.

Die Italiener werden in diesem Frühjahr nicht in einem Referendum über eine Legalisierung der Sterbehilfe abstimmen. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. A referendum is a vote on a single issue.

The submission of a proposed public measure or actual statute to a direct popular vote. Referendum definition the principle or practice of referring measures proposed or passed by a legislative body head of state etc to the vote of the electorate for approval or. A referendum is the asking of a political question to an electorate for direct decision by general vote.

A vote on a measure so submitted. Referendum je oblik izravnoga odlučivanja izjašnjavanja građana o nekim pitanjima od osobite važnosti za užu ili širu zajednicu. It can be held with an ordinary election but can also be held separately.

This page contains government information on the EU referendum. A Writ is issued. Referendum plural referenda or referendums A direct popular vote on a proposed law or constitutional amendmentThe adposition on is usually used before the related subject of the vote.

Figures show Brexit compounding Covid disruption with clothing exports plunging 60 vegetables down 40 and. The Governor-General issues a writ for a referendum which like an election must be held on a Saturday. 1975 Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau Informational Bulletin In some cases a referendum on the proposed bond issue must be held.

Referendums or referenda 1. Although federal referendums are rare in Canada there have been numerous provincial referendums and plebiscites since Confederation. The legislative refers the question to the electorate.

The question is usually designed to receive a yes or no answer. Each referendum has different rules on who can vote in it. John Rentoul In a bizarre turn of events May.

Although their most widespread use is in the United States and Switzerland they are also provided for in the constitutions of several European and Commonwealth countries. A REFERENDUM is where the electorate vote on a specific question or questions.


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